Truth is upon the lips of a dying man

 ( part 2 ) 

At the last supper we read in the gospel of Luke that Jesus “ Eagerly desired to eat the Passover meal  before he suffered “ ( Luke 22v15)

The reason is that he was about to visibly dramatise his death before it took place. This final supper was to be a lasting memory- his death ‘above all ‘was to be remembered . Jesus fulfils the the prophetic words of John the Baptist that he is “The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world “ ( John 1v35) . 

By taking the bread – breaking it and saying “This is My body “ he is also fulfilling that he is The Bread of life that came down from heaven. Three lessons we learn from the last supper :

  1. It was central to Jesus’s thinking 
  2. It must be central to our thinking 
  3. We obey by taking the Eucharist 

In part 2 of “Approaching the cross” I cover this in greater detail I hope you can take type during this Lenten season to listen in